Time for the final installment of our '90s Singles project - I hope you had as much fun listening to our playlists as we did compiling them!
Once a month since February we've been revisiting a year from the '90s and choosing our 50 favorite singles of that year, the majority of which you can stream through our Grooveshark playlists . The complete Top 50 lists can be found in Cool Music Database, the central hub for all our year-end lists, while you can easily find all our '90s related Top 10 posts by clicking here.
Our 1999 Top 50 Singles list is actually an updated version of the first ever year-end singles list that we published in the first incarnation of Cool Music Central which was launched in the summer of 1999 as a DIY webpage hosted by Netscape. A lot of water has gone under the bridge since then, but I still consider Sleater-Kinney's "Get Up" to be not only one of the band's finest moments but also one of the most moving songs I've ever had the pleasure of listening. The fact that the same year The Flaming Lips also released the greatest single of their amazing (and, of course, ongoing) career, while Primal Scream reinvented dance-punk with the venomous "Swastika Eyes" only helps to make 1999 one of the strongest years for music in the second half of the '90s, preparing the ground for an even better 2000.
Here's our Top 10 Singles of 1999 with accompanying videos (official or unofficial) - go here for the complete Top 50:
2. Race For The Prize - THE FLAMING LIPS
3. Swastika Eyes - PRIMAL SCREAM
4. Hot Topic - LE TIGRE
5. Metal Fingers In My Body - ADD N To (X)
6. Pretty Please - VERBENA
7. I Can't Wait - BRASSY
8. Touch Sensitive - THE FALL
9. 6 Track EP - ELASTICA